Fourth River Award for Poetry Fourth River Award for Creative Nonfiction http://fourthriver.chatham.edu/submit.cfm
We are looking for poetry and creative nonfiction that capture the places—natural, built and imagined, urban, rural or wild—where humans and nature converge and collide. First place winner in each category will be published in the Fourth River and will receive a $500 cash prize upon publication.
Our judges for the contest are Rick Campbell (Poetry) and Janisse Ray (Creative Nonfiction).
Contest GuidelinesSubmissions should be postmarked no later than November 15, 2008Previously published works and works accepted for publication elsewhere are not eligible. Students, faculty and employees of Chatham University are not eligible.Include a title page with your name, address, phone number and the title of your submission(s). Your name must not appear on the actual manuscript.
The reading fee is $5 for three poems or one essay (7,000 word maximum), and includes a copy of Issue 5. Please make checks payable to Chatham University. Multiple submissions are acceptable, but each submission must be accompanied by a reading fee. Manuscripts will not be returned.
Send your submission, your reading fee and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
The Fourth River
Chatham University
Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Attention: Fourth River Award for Poetry
or Fourth River Award for Creative Nonfiction.
Submit Your Work (Regular Submissions)
**NEW: Special20International Issue, Spring 2009In addition to our regular publication, The Fourth River is putting together a special issue for Spring 2009 with a specific focus on international writing.
We’re looking for poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, children’s and young adult writing by international authors, in translation, and by authors traveling abroad. We are interested in work that explores the diverse meanings of and the interaction between environment, landscape, culture, nature, and human nature around the world.
The submission guidelines for the International Issue are the same as for other issues, but please indicate on your cover letter that you are submitting to this particular issue. The postmark deadline for this issue is January 31, 2009.
Submission Guidelines (Issue 6)The Fourth River is accepting nonfiction, short fiction, poetry, and young adult/children’s writing (without illustration). Please send up to seven poems or up to 7,000 words of prose to the address below. Due to the volume of submissions, we will recycle all the manuscripts we receive. Please do not send us your only copy.Include cover letter with name, address, phone number, email contact, and titles of enclosed work.All manuscripts must include a SASE to be considered and returned.No e-mail submissions accepted.Kindly let us know if you are submitting simultaneously.
Reading Period (for standard issues): August 1, 2008 – February 15, 2009
Submission Address
The Fourth River
Chatham University
0A Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Contact Us
For more information, contact The Fourth River at (replace (at) with @)
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